Saturday, November 27, 2010

Small Business Saturday!

In honor of Small Business Saturday I've added quite a few new products to my online Zazzle shop! I have quite a variety of t-shirt designs, men's ties, mugs and drink ware available. I am particularly thrilled with the line of custom sneakers produced by Keds! I will be adding even more products in the next few days, both to my Zazzle shop and photography site so please stay tuned! Perhaps you'll find something cool for your loved ones this holiday season!

Zazzle Products 2-7
Please note Zazzle's online coupon codes which appear at the top of the page!

Needless to say that I hope you all get out and patronize your local small businesses whether they be brick and mortar storefronts, independently owned restaurants, your local artisans or those with online shops and services like myself. There's nothing like giving back to your community businesses. Who understands your needs and gives you personal service better then they? As someone who has worked for small businesses all of my life I can tell you what a vital part of the economy they represent. Go save a local business today!

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