Saturday, February 27, 2010

Happy New Year!


At Mark's request, I have added lots of new Tattoo Art to my brother's online gallery in recent weeks! You should go check it out. He has found inspiration in many asian influences of late. It has been very cool for me to witness the zen that he's been experiencing in his work. You can see more beautiful examples on his page here:


I would like to take a moment and remind you that it is very important not only to support your local artisans these days, but also small business owners and freelancers. There are many many professional people out there like myself willing to provide you with the same excellent service that they once provided for larger companies. Our nation has been founded by entrepreneurs who were willing to take personal risks to see their dreams realized. With the unpredictable economy there has been a resurgence of that same individual spirit and determination. Wouldn't it be wonderful to be a part of that revolution? There's no better time to get fantastic work done by good people who want to do their best for you.

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