Thursday, June 5, 2008

Time Flies!


It has been too long since I updated this blog. One gets caught up in the everyday facets of life and before you know it time flies...literally! Thankfully we are now on the brink of my favorite season. The unofficial start of Summer is celebrated most prominently at the shore points. I was fortunate enough to be able to kick it off with my kite flying friends near and far in Wildwood, NJ for the Annual International Kite Festival this past Memorial Weekend.

This year's festival was the first of many celebrations for the Revolution Kite Company's 20th Anniversary. "Rev" kites are controlled by four lines attached to 2 handles. They are ridiculously maneuverable, and like traditional kites their artistic design possibilities are truly endless! The photo above was taken while the famous kite precision team iQuad performed under perfect beach skies. The Rev fliers dominated the festival this year capped with a North American record "Mega Fly" of 34 pilots in all!